Master saddler celebrating 25 years of maintaining customers tack and leather goods bespoke saddlery, boxes, belts, bellows, collars and leads made to order, enquiries welcome no job too small.
Horse feed and bedding, horse and rider clothing and accessories, stable equipment, tack, rugs etc etc Rugs washed, reproofed and repaired, tack repairs, electric fencing, polyjumps and poles. We also stock a large range of other pet goods.
The country store by the canal. Horse, livestock and pet foods. Stable equipment and accessories, natural and herbal remedies. Electric fencing. Hand, power and garden tools.
The Emporium for horse and rider. All leading brands – jods, boots, hats, body protectors etc? Country clothing and waterproofs. Supplements – First Aid – Yard Equipment. Saddle/leather/rug repair/clean. Embroidery.
Stockists of leading brands of saddlery and ridingweat. Free saddle checks and reflocking at your premises. Open 7 days late night Friday.
Harness repairs and reconditioning, specialising in horse and dog harnesses, also repairs on all leathergoods, belts, handbags, luggage etc..
SMS qualified saddle fitting. New and secondhand saddles. Quality bridlework in stock and made to measure. Leather repairs and alterations stockists of fieldhouse, ideal, bates, black country wintec, pessoa.
Quality saddlery, riding wear and accessories, over 80 saddles in stock, free fitting and part exchange, bit hire, friendly expert advice.
For all your equestrian needs, made to measure bridles, full repair service available including rugs, mail order facilities